Monday, September 24, 2007

Once a Man...Twice a Child

I have been responsible for taking care of my old man for about the past few years after he and my mom parted ways. He suffered a stroke about 17 yrs ago and has not been the same since. It has been hard observing him wither away from a first hand basis...Especially seeing him as a shell of who I knew he was during my younger days. He looked like the Incredible Hulk to me, and that man NEVER laid a hand on me...shiiit he didn't have to. The look that he gave plus those never-ending stories of him being a golden-gloves boxer and growing up in the Hood was enough for me to back up and think twice about feeling his wrath. He could stand on the porch and whistle, and I would hear it 3 blocks over and be like "yo man...I gotta go. My dad's calling me". He made sure that I didn't want for much, and did what he knew to do in providing for his family. Now my dad was truly old school in his tastes, and he felt that there was only one way to show that he had made it...and that was through showing off. He loved his cars, clothes, houses, and its acoutrements. He was an entrepreneur, and a hard worker, but hell all he got for 33 years of sweat equity was a lobster dinner and a cheap gold watch...was it really worth it? Soon there after he stroked out. I remember it like it was yesterday....but over the years, it's hard to watch a person who's a shell of himself navigate through life...But what pissed me off the most is how people take advantage of folks in the name of getting over. I was cleaning up his apartment one day when I ran across some papers for a loan that he had supposedly co-signed for. I was like WHAT THA F***!!! This was a loan for 10 g's that was to mature for over 30 g's (first payment isn't due until 2009!!!!)...My dad doesnt even make enough to cover the loan, but come to find was a backhanded deal for his great-neice by way his trifling, conniving ass brother. While I applaud the fact that she wants to continue her education, the means in which this money was gotten was underhanded and f***ed up to say the least. She's naive, and I know how this whole deal went down. But this is how old people are taken advantage of all the time...He can't even read the contract, much less have any understanding of the ramifications of what he has signed his name to...And once this is all over..."cause it aint"...I will share with you the details of what things really look like. I was called every name but a child of God because I "stuck my nose in some business that I shouldn't have" Well...I don't care if that is your brother...that's my DAD, and whatever below the deck deals that you and my dad did in years' past has nothing to do with what's going on now!!! If you wanted your granddaughter to have this loan then you should've co-signed for it yourself...ooops! I'm sorry, you are in wage earner! AT 70 years old!!! Who's the jackass? Well, it's my job to protect this man, and I see that he ain't too senile by the looks of things...the first thing to go is the mind, but the last to go is the libido...Just next time, man please throw your evidence away...Uncle ____ you and your folks are WRONG AS HELL FOR THAT, you no-business barring, insecure, rat-soup eatin son-of-a gun!

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