Wednesday, January 9, 2008

There's No Crying in Baseball!!!

Woman Puh-leaze...Somebody Give Me a Newport!

Click HERE!!!

That statement that immediately came to mind when I saw that Oscar-Winning performance

I had the pleasure of throwing up in my mouth watching Hillary put on those shenanigans before the New Hampshire Primaries the other day. I told my peeps when I saw that, that she just bought 5000 damn votes with that charade. Now in my professional life, I have a tendancy to keep my mouth shut and be all politically correct, but I am able to unleash the beast on this blog and say what I know y'all be wanting to say. (I know it's incorrect grammar, but I can do that because I know how to speak the King's English).

Well, I was at work today and I took the liberty (risking being slapped or cussed out) of asking some women at the table I was sitting at what they thought about that mess. I prefaced it by saying in my most professional articulation...."without sounding racist or sexist...what was y'alls reaction seeing Hillary doing that sob stuff?" They were like, I don't think that is the way a president should conduct herself. She should've went to a corner and composed herself.

I started grinnin like a possum eatin' grapes....Just like ol' Fred in the upper corner. Because I agreed that A president isn't a personal figure like that and he/she has to stand firm in the face of opposition.

Rewind to 9-11,... I don't like that dude, but if ya'll had've seen George Bush crying...Sadaam 'nem would've bombed the shit out of us worse than what already occurred at that time.

Barack Obama, be it Black or White...Sounds like the President. Close your eyes and pretend you are Ray Charles or Ronnie Millsap (I don't discriminate hehehe). His voice and demeanor carries a resolve that says, I mean it...Dammit, and it ain't gonna be any other way.

Last night, One of the famous critics said it best...even if he did look like they just vacummed the mothball dust off of him...The women up in New Hampshire are either working as waitresses, or in Dunkin Donuts, so they will give her the sympathy vote. There is not a lot of industry in New Hampshire, and they are being cheated on just like Hillary was. So all them sourpuss, Beige Sears-Bra wearin heifers stuck together. That's alright though...that bumpin that you hear in the trunk is that ass-whoopin waitin to get out!!!

Take a look at this other video...WARNING...turn the sound down unless you would like to experience immediate projectile vomiting, but read and pay attention to the true

Hillary, you so wrong for that shit it's ridiculous!